The goal of NLN is to support worship and study groups and help them share resources. Also, emerging churches can benefit in numerous ways. The early Christian church consisted of groups of Christians meeting in homes to share the good news of Christ’s resurrection and celebrate the gift of God’s loving grace and eternal life. Many Christians today feel disconnected to existing denominations. In addition they do not feel at home at many independent churches that teach legalism over grace. Some have found connection with others in small groups that worship and study in homes, but others are still looking for a faith connection. NLN welcomes individuals and groups seeking that connection.

Pastor Mark Bernecker grew up and lives in Allentown. He is the father of two adult daughters. A baptized member of the Lutheran Church he served as a Lutheran Pastor for 10 years.
Before becoming a pastor, he experienced a devastating illness that temporarily paralyzed him from forehead to toes. After his initial recovery, Mark attended Kutztown University. He then received a Master of Divinity degree from Gettysburg Seminary.
Pastor Mark is an ordained minister of the Federation of Christian Ministers.
View his credentials here.
Mark is also a certified Prepare and Enrich Facilitator and offers guidance for couples who are married or about to be married. He can also lead group couple enrichment programs.
Check out more about this ministry here.
Before becoming a pastor, he experienced a devastating illness that temporarily paralyzed him from forehead to toes. After his initial recovery, Mark attended Kutztown University. He then received a Master of Divinity degree from Gettysburg Seminary.
Pastor Mark is an ordained minister of the Federation of Christian Ministers.
View his credentials here.
Mark is also a certified Prepare and Enrich Facilitator and offers guidance for couples who are married or about to be married. He can also lead group couple enrichment programs.
Check out more about this ministry here.
About The Discussion Blog
I intend for this blog to help start discussions between those who post comments as well as small groups. I do not intend to tell you what to believe. At times I will challenge common assumptions. Even growing up Lutheran, I have problems with some of the preaching and teaching in the various Lutheran groups. Martin Luther started a reformation. Other historical figures reformed and started other branches of the church. For most those reformations stopped at some time in the past. A similar process has happened for most world religions. I believe the church should always be in a state of reformation, self-reflection and discernment. As humans we will never have full knowledge of God (or a "higher" being/power by another name) or the cosmos. This discussion blog is a place for discernment and self-reflection that may even lead to an ongoing reformation of the larger churches/religions.